US President Donald Trump and King Salman of Saudi Arabia have signed today 110 billion dollar defense deals to support the long term security of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region in the face of the Iranian influence and Iran related threats.

A White House statement said that this package demonstrates the commitment of the United States to Saudi Arabia while bolstering the Kingdom’s ability to provide for its own security and continue contributing to counter terrorism operations across the region, reducing the burden on U.S. military forces.

The Press Statement also said that the President’s meetings underscored the deep and longstanding commitment of the United States to the security, stability, and prosperity of Saudi Arabia and demonstrated the President’s confidence in the future of US-Saudi relations.

He also emphasized the importance of working jointly to address challenges to regional peace and security, including defeating ISIS and al-Qa’eda, countering Iran’s destabilizing activities, and resolving conflicts in Yemen and Syria.

Saudi Arabia gave a very warm welcome to the US President Donald Trump and the first lady Melania Trump and also bestowed the highest civilian honour to the visiting dignitary.

President Trump and King Salman also signed a Joint Strategic Vision Statement promising close collaboration to counter violent extremism, disrupt the financing of terrorism, and advance defense cooperation.

Moreover, the President expressed his strong support for Saudi Arabia’s economic reform plans and promoted U.S. companies as ideal partners for Saudi Arabia’s economic transformation, as illustrated by the many deals signed by U.S. companies during the President’s visit.

On Sunday, President Trump is scheduled to participate in the Arab Islamic American Summit where the US President will make a speech on his peaceful vision of Islam.