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“And if a woman came. Where birds die II”
David Escalona &
Chantal Maillard

El Instituto Cervantes y la India Art Fair, tienen el placer de invitarle a la inauguración de la exposición:

“Y si una mujer viniera. Dónde mueren los pájaros II”

a cargo del artista David Escalona y la escritora Chantal Maillard, que tendrá lugar el lunes 30 de enero a las 7:00 p.m. en la sala de exposciones del Instituto Cervantes en Nueva Delhi. (+)

Instituto Cervantes and India Art Fair, have the pleasure to invite you to the opening of the exhibition:

       “And if a woman came. Where birds die II”

by the artist David Escalona and the writer Chantal Maillard, on Monday 30th at 7:00 p.m. at the exhibition gallery of Instituto Cervantes in New Delhi, 48 Hanuman Road, Connaught Place.

About the exhibition: Where birds die is a work in progress in dialogue between the plastic work and the poetic writing that has as its theme, in each of its phases, an aspect of our relationship with innocence. The innocent are the silenced, the forgotten, the invisible, those who live without being noticed and die without our knowledge, alone behind a curtain, in the darkness of an apartment, in no man’s land, under the debris of his house or, like the birds, in full flight. Innocent is the one who dies and also, sometimes, the one who kills, since each of us can be placed, according to their circumstances, on either side of that border. The wound, however, the human wound, predates these differences, to all differences, and is shared by all.

And if a woman came II is the second part of this project that began in Malaga in 2014-2015 and now arrives in Delhi. The pieces that make up this exhibition are offered as deaf interrogations in the complex plot of an increasingly widespread violence and whose history seems only to be attenuated with the awareness of shared fragility and helplessness that all existence entails. In a world that is losing its capacity for compassion and the knowledge of the most important, we appeal to the ancient Indian wisdom. If a woman came, if she came to wake her up again, here, now…(+)


foto agenda 24/01/2017
Oxford Bookstore, Connaught Place, a las 6:30 p.m.Encuentros con la narrativa de: Javier Montes
Sobre el escritor: Javier Montes (Madrid, 1976) ganó con Los penúltimos, su primera novela, el Premio José María de Pereda. Después publicó la novela Segunda parte. Junto a Andrés Barba ganó el Premio Anagrama de Ensayo por La ceremonia del porno. En 2010 la revista Granta lo incluyó en su selección «Los mejores escritores jóvenes en lengua española», y sus relatos han aparecido en antolo­gías como Puros cuentos (Letras Libres, 2008) o Life in Cities. An Anthology of European Contemporary Writers (Minumsa, Seúl, 2009). Colabora regularmente con ABC Cultural, El País, Granta, ARTnews, The Brooklyn Rail o Literary Hub, entre otros medios. Ha comisariado exposiciones como Beckett Films (CAAC, 2011) y fue profesor de Historia del Arte en el Colegio Español de Malabo (Guinea Ecuatorial). En Anagrama ha publicado también La vida de hotel: «Páginas sutiles, inteligentes, sueltas, medidas en distintos tonos, que harán sin duda disfrutar al lector inteligente. Magistral ironía» (J. M. Pozuelo Yvancos, ABC); «Montes señala con su dedo preciso esos momentos insustanciales de la vida y los dota de un brillo inusitado, proporcionándonos así espléndidos déjà-vus de nuestro día a día convertidos en fina literatura» (Mercedes Cebrián, Numerocero); «Envidiable naturalidad. Al lector le gusta demorarse en cada página y le acucia el deseo de conocer el desenlace» (J. A. Masoliver Ródenas, La Vanguardia); «Convincente invención que habla con elocuencia de la brecha que separa nuestros actos de las historias que nos contamos» (Ollie Brock, Times Literary Supplement). (+)

Meet the writer: Javier Montes
About the writer: Javier Montes was awarded the José María de Pereda prize for his first novel, Los Penúltimos (The Penultimate), which he followed with Segunda Parte (Second Part). Along with Andrés Barba he won the Anagrama de Ensayo prize for La Ceremonia del Porno (Porn Ceremony), and was also one of the co-creators of After Henry James. In 2010, Granta included him on their list of the best young authors currently writing in Spanish, and his stories have appeared in numerous collections including Puros Cuentos (Telling Tales – Letras Libres, 2008) and Life in Cities. An Anthology of European Contemporary Writers (Minumsa, Seoul, 2009). He is a regular contributor to publications including ABC, El País, Letras Libres, Revista de Libros, Granta UK, Revista de Occidente, Letra Internacional and Arquitectura Viva, and has curated a number of exhibitions, including Beckett Films at the CAAC in 2011. Montes has also been a lecturer in Art History at the Spanish College in Malabo (Equatorial Guinea). Critics from numerous countries who have enthused over his novels include Michael Kerrigan, who wrote in the Times Literary Supplement: ‘Montes evokes a grandiose world, where he comments on the Statism of life beyond apparent change’.

Talk in Englis. Free entry. (+)

foto agenda 29/01/2017
Auditorio, a las 4:30 p.m.

Cine: “Viridiana” de Luis Buñuel
Sinopsis: Don Jaime (Fernando Rey), un viejo hidalgo español, vive retirado y solitario en su hacienda desde la muerte de su esposa, ocurrida el mismo día de la boda. Un día recibe la visita de su sobrina Viridiana (Silvia Pinal), novicia en un convento, que tiene un gran parecido con su mujer.

Trailer   (+)

Film screening: “Viridiana” by Luis Buñuel
Synopsis: Viridiana, a young nun about to take her final vows, pays a visit to her widowed uncle at the request of her Mother Superior.

In Spanish with English subtitles. Free entry. (+)