Naresh, the descriptions of Trump’s rally in Greensboro earlier this week are horrifying:

A crowd chanting, “Build that wall!” An audience refusing to clap for a call for unity with the LGBT community. A group of six men following a protester out of the venue to intimidate him. Confederate flags everywhere. A vendor selling t-shirts that say “Trump that Bitch.”

This isn’t just politics as usual. Donald Trump isn’t just any Republican nominee — he’s inciting violence, and his rallies are hotbeds of anger and resentment. And if this is how he runs his campaign — imagine how he’d run our country.

This is what we’re dealing with. Trump is a toxic threat to the very values we stand for. Chip in, get a free sticker, and say you’re ready to make sure he’ll never, ever be our president:

Thank you, Naresh — we’re in this together.


Christina Reynolds
Deputy Communications Director
Hillary for America