Taking on the gun lobby:

Naresh —

On January 8th, 2011, a man stood three feet away from me in a grocery store parking lot, aimed a gun at my head, and pulled the trigger. I survived. But six innocent lives were taken that day, including a 9-year-old girl.

I don’t get angry about what happened to me. But I am angry that so many Americans die every year because our leaders refuse to do more to keep guns out of the wrong hands and reduce gun violence.

Yesterday, Donald Trump addressed the NRA’s national convention — that crowd cheered his every word, but now it’s our turn to show that we’re all standing with Hillary to make our communities safer from gun violence. Will you add your name to show you’re with us?

The gun lobby has repeatedly blocked commonsense reforms like strengthening our life-saving background check system and holding irresponsible gun dealers accountable when they break the law. They have a lot of power in Washington — I saw that in Congress. But I know this team is strong enough to beat them if we work together.

So join Hillary and me in this fight. Add your name to stand with us and stand up to the gun lobby — let’s fight together to make Americans safer:

Thank you,


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