The Citizen Second Anniversary Celebration
From: The Citizen <> Sun, 31 Jan ’16 3:28p
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Dear Friend,
We value your support for The Citizen and of course the constant encouragement.

We are turning 2, and have organised a fun packed two hours for you and all our friends.

So please do join us on February 6, 5.30 p.m. for tea and more, at Kamla Devi Block, India International Centre.


The agenda is as follows:

High Tea at 5:30 PM

Followed by a Lifetime Achievement Award presented to a veteran journalist.

The Citizen’s Young Talent of The Year award.

A panel discussion on “The Media: Manufacturing Consent?” moderated by our editor-in-chief, Seema Mustafa. The panelists are:

Achin Vanaik: Scholar, author and founding member of the Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace

Hartosh Singh Bal: Political Editor, Caravan Magazine

Sanjeev Srivastava, Senior journalist, formerly India editor of BBC

Dr. Waeil Awwad, India-based Syrian journalist


A short film produced by The Citizen to end the event.